
Page 4 of 36 results.

  • Land
    Vision A diversity of healthy, liveable and productive landscapes managed sustainably Introduction The distinctive and attractive landscape features of north east Victoria, including the diversity of landforms, soils, topography and...
  • Community
    Vision A diverse and connected community caring for and stewarding North East Victoria’s landscapes Introduction North east Victoria hosts a diversity of people, industries and landscapes, all of which contribute...
  • Landscape 3 – Southern Mountain Valley
    Vision Locally supported and connected communities stewarding the environment alongside sustainable agriculture and recreation Introduction An area that features valleys surrounded by forested mountains. The area is a hotspot for...
  • Landscape 1 – Alpine and Forested Parks
    Vision Communities caring for, and connecting with healthy forests, alps and waterways Introduction A visually spectacular area containing extensive areas of forest and alpine vegetation. This landscape has the headwaters...
  • Landscape 2 – Upper Murray
    Vision Connected and climate-resilient communities working together to support productive agriculture, recreation, cultural and natural values Introduction An area of mountains, hills, valley floors and floodplains. It features high quality...
  • Catchment Partnership Agreement
    Catchment Partnership Agreement The purpose of the North East Catchment Partnership Agreement is to strengthen coordination, collaboration and accountability, reduce duplication, and provide clarity on roles and responsibilities between key...
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