
Page 4 of 36 results.

  • Messages from the CMA Chair and Project Steering Committee
    Message from the CMA Chair The North East CMA would like to thank outgoing CMA board chair, Leanne Mulcahy, for supporting the development of this Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS). The...
  • Strategy summary
    The North East RCS provides a long-term vision and blueprint for investment into and management of natural resources for north east Victoria. The RCS is a whole-of-region strategy that reflects...
  • References and Credits
    References Our Region > What is changing? > Climate change, extreme events and shocks [1] Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and FarmLink (2019) Regional Weather and Climate Guides: A climate guide...
  • ‘We belong to the land’
    For many thousands of years, the Country was managed and cared for by local Traditional Owners/First Nations Peoples. In 1824, the Hume and Hovell expedition crossed the Ovens River at...
  • Priority native species and ecological communities
    A snapshot of the condition of some priority species across north east Victoria is described in the following section: Bogong moth (Agrotis infusa) The annual migration of the bogong moth...
  • Catchment Partnership Agreement
    Catchment Partnership Agreement The purpose of the North East Catchment Partnership Agreement is to strengthen coordination, collaboration and accountability, reduce duplication, and provide clarity on roles and responsibilities between key...
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