A diversity of people and communities live, work, visit and connect with the region and enjoy, manage and steward the natural resources of north east Victoria.
The region has a resident population of over 100,000 and a visiting population of approximately 4.2 million daytrip and overnight visitors. Residents and visitors are attracted to the region’s national parks and reserves that contribute to the 55% of public land. The balance of the region’s land is privately owned and managed for a range of purposes including high value agriculture. A very active network of committees, NRM, community and Landcare groups contribute to the management of both public and private land.
Our breathtaking scenery, rich cultural history, fertile land and natural waterways are some of the reasons why people love and connect with north east Victoria. Here are just a few places communities connect with and why.
Places people connect with and why
“The crystal clear water, the changing moods and light, abundant birdlife.” – Martyn Paterson on the Ovens River, Bright
The largest and best whitewater river running community in Australia, and one of the finest and most pristine class three rivers anywhere.” – Jeffe Aronson about the Mitta Mitta River
I can visit anytime, and there’s lots of wildlife and great views. It’s quiet.” – Elisa about Federation Hill Wodonga
“Reliable climate, vibrant and co-operative farmers, rich resources.” – Scott McKillop, Dederang.
“To sit at the summit and enjoy the 360-degree views you need to walk uphill for hours.” – Michelle Forrer about Mount Bogong
“An 80 year old river gum standing proud in ‘Kergunia’ with the foothills of Mt Big Ben in the background.” – Lindsay Jarvis, Kergunyah